Hungarian conference to take place in Canadian capital
The Hungarian Studies Association of Canada (HSAC) distributed a call for papers earlier this week, as the scholarly organization prepares for its annual conference, to be held on May 29-30, 2009 at Carleton University. Papers presenting original, unpublished research on any topic or period in Hungarian literature, cinema, art, theatre, music, history, politics, language and language pedagogy are welcome. Papers may be presented in either of Canada’s official languages–English and French–or in Hungarian.
HSAC meets as part of the annual Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Canada, organized by the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences. The largest multidisciplinary conference in Canada, the Congress hosts the meetings of dozens of scholarly associations during an 8-day period, bringing together scholars from across the country and around the world. The overall theme of the 2009 Congress is „Capital Connections / Nation, terroir, territoire.” As such, HSAC is proposing a special panel along the lines of the theme of the Congress, in relation to Hungary and Hungarians: „Identity, diaspora, minorities and multiculturalism.” Presenters are asked to indicate whether they wish to have their proposal considered for inclusion in this panel.
This year, HSAC requires that an abstract or outline (maximum 600 words) be in the hands of the program chair no later than 10 January 2009. Early submissions are welcome. The conference organizers prefer that proposals be submitted electronically, if possible. The proposals will be assessed by the program committee and all prospective participants are asked to include their contact information with their proposal. Decisions will be announced by the end of January 2009.
The Conference Committee for HSAC’s 2009 meeting is comprised of Agatha Schwartz (Ottawa), Christopher Adam (Carleton) and Judy Young, president of the Canada Hungary Educational Foundation.
All papers can be submitted to Professor Schwartz, the conference’s program chair, by e-mail at:
Canadian Hungarian Journal
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