The Lublin Cold War history conference in photos
The organizers of an academic conference on Eastern European émigrés and the Cold War, held in Lublin, Poland on November 13-15, 2008, were good enough to mail out a DVD of photos taken during the three day international symposium. Entitled „Secret Weapon, or Victims of the Cold War?” and organized by Dr. Slawomir Lukasiewicz, of Poland’s Instytut Pamięci Narodowej (Institute of National Remembrance), the conference brought together academics from all former Soviet bloc countries, as well as American, Canadian and Western European scholars with an interest in the relationship between political émigrés and the region’s former communist regimes. Included below are a handful of photos taken during the conference, with a focus on the syposium’s Hungarian and Canadian presenters.

The Hungarian Panel
Left to Right: Christopher Adam, Magdolna Baráth, Krzysztof Persak, Ferenc Cseresnyés, András Fejérdy

Christopher Adam

András Fejérdy

Ferenc Cseresnyés

Magdolna Baráth

Slawomir Lukasiewicz

Chris Kostov

Jan Raska

"Willkommen in der DDR!" -- A relic from the past, during the East German panel

Chris Kostov, Christopher Adam and Jan Raska in Lublin

Christopher Adam and Chris Kostov in Lublin
Canadian Hungarian Journal, with photos provided by the Instytut Pamięci Narodowej
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