Álláslehetőség Kanadában: hitképzési és ifjúsági programok koordinátorát keresünk

2017 május 3 4:44 du. Álláslehetőség Kanadában: hitképzési és ifjúsági programok koordinátorát keresünk bejegyzéshez a hozzászólások lehetősége kikapcsolva

Már korábban is megosztottam a Kanadai Magyar Hírlap hasábjain olyan helyi álláslehetőségeket, amelyek esetleg kanadai olvasóink számára is érdekesek lehetnek. Most egy hitképzési és ifjúsági programokért felelős koordinátort keres az ottawai római katolikus Szent József Egyházközség. Az új munkatárs teljes időben dolgozna, tehát heti 37,5 órát, angol nyelvű munkakörnyezetben. Az éves kezdő fizetési skála bruttó 38 ezer dollár és 42 ezer dollár között mozog, a pontos összeg a sikeres pályázó eddigi szakmai tapasztalatainak a függvénye.

A belvárosi Szent József Egyházközséget 1856-ban alapították a Szeplőtelen Szűz Missziós Oblátusai. A progresszív és befogadó egyházközség missziója a társadalom peremén élők felkarolása, a szociális igazságosság elvének követése és az elesettekkel való szolidaritás.

Az alábbiakban az angol nyelvű álláspályázat anyagát olvashatják.

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Job Opportunity

St. Joseph’s Parish

Job Title: Coordinator of Young Adult Ministry & Faith Formation

Job Type: Continuing full-time at 37.5 hours per week

Location: 151 Laurier Ave. East, Ottawa, ON K1N 6N8 Job Category: Pastoral Number of Positions: 1 Date

Posted: May 4, 2017

Closing Date: Open until filled Salary: $38,000 – $42,000 (Commensurate with experience) + Benefits

Approximate Start Date: June 2017

St. Joseph’s Parish, an inclusive and vibrant Roman Catholic faith community, is hiring a Coordinator of Young Adult Ministry & Faith Formation to join our staff team. Established by the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate in 1856, it is the Parish’s mission to reach out to the most marginalized in our broader community in the spirit of social justice and to sustain a faith community that is open and welcoming to all.

All those interested are invited to apply by submitting:

1. A cover letter, which outlines how the core competencies in the attached job description are met through a combination of relevant employment, volunteer experience, as well as educational background, and attests to the applicant’s understanding of our Parish mission;

2. An updated curriculum vitae;

3. The contact information for two professional references who can speak to the candidate’s relevant educational, employment or volunteer experience.

Please submit the above documents by email to Christopher Adam, Executive Director: cadam@st-josephs.ca .

We thank all applicant for their interest in this position. Only candidates short-listed for an interview will be contacted.


TITLE                                       Coordinator of Young Adult Ministry & Faith Formation

REPORTS TO                           Executive Director and Pastor


  • Coordinate weekly, monthly, and annual calendar of events for, with, and of interest to young adults including opportunities for service, social, and spiritual engagement
  • Develop targeted programming with specific young adult sub-sets (first years, undergrads, graduate students, international students, student teachers, young professionals, young married couples, young parents, etc.)
  • Develop a process to identify, form, and support young adult leadership within the young adult community
  • Represent St. Joseph’s in planning for university and college student events and resources (Church Crawl, Welcome Week, Catholic Student Week, etc).
  • Participate in ecumenical campus Chaplaincy ministry
  • Develop on-campus activities and resources
  • Coordinate Sunday 7pm Sunday University Mass during the school year
  • Coordinate Pastoral Letter request process for student teachers and teachers
  • Assist young adults with integration into the parish community in all areas of ministry and service
  • Identify young adult mentors in specific professional careers
  • Identify members of the adult community who have the gifts and interest to assist in young adult ministry
  • Foster an open-door policy to support and offer resources to young adults who come seeking a listening ear, assistance, or guidance. 

 Sacramental Preparation

  • Plan annual calendar of Sacramental programs
  • Coordinate Infant Baptismal program and process.
  • Coordinate 1st communion preparation group process as well as individual preparation as needed throughout the year
  • Coordinate 1st reconciliation preparation group process as well as individual preparation as needed throughout the year
  • Coordinate Confirmation preparation group process as well as individual preparation as needed throughout the year
  • Coordinate year-round adult initiation process which fully implements the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
  • Coordinate Marriage Preparation process which includes weekend courses as well as FOCCUS facilitation process
  • Ensure the recording of related Sacramental records
  • Collaborate with Director of Liturgy to create and execute liturgies with initiation and other sacramental elements


  • Develop online materials, communication, and resources for all applicable areas of responsibility
  • Represent St. Joseph’s at Archdiocesan Pastoral Days when available 
  • Follow all applicable accounting and administrative procedures
  • Manage budgets for all programming areas
  • Prepare annual ministry reports as needed
  • Participate as a member of the Pastoral Team of the parish

EDUCATION     Bachelor degree in related or appropriate field.  Formation/experience in theology and/or adult education, including adult religious education a plus.

EXPERIENCE   Member of the Catholic faith community with an active faith life.  Experience or ministry to and with young adults and understanding of related developmental stages.  Catholic pastoral experience (campus and/or parish) in various areas of faith development, sacramental preparation, and multi-generational formation is an asset.  Pastoral counseling experience also a plus. Able to work independently as well as collaboratively in a fast-paced progressive and inclusive parish environment.  Experience with Microsoft Office suite as well as various social media platforms.  Police background check required.

REMUNERATION TYPE    Regular full-time with benefits.

HOURS OF WORK    The work week is 37.5 hours which may include weekends and evenings depending on the demands of the ministry. The schedule is flexible and set by the employee to meet the demands of the ministry.

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