2008 március 19 8:38 de.
The Hungarian government has recognized Kosovo’s status as an independent nation. Hungary issued a joint statement with Croatia and Bulgaria, observing that the decision to recognize Europe’s youngest sovereign state was „based on thorough consideration.” All three countries also made clear that they wished to develop closer ties with Serbia as well. This, however, may prove to be a real challenge, as Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic repeated his belief that Kosovo was an „illegal state” and also warned that countries which choose to recognize Kosov’s independence „cannot count on good relations” with Serbia. According to Hungary’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, […]
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2008 február 16 11:40 du.
Hungarian Abstract/Magyar kivonat: A nyugati média meglehetősen sokat foglalkozott Koszovóval, az albánok által dominált szerbiai tartománnyal, mely ma kijelenti függetlenségét. De a nyugati lapokban alig találhatunk említést arról a tényről, hogy a koszovói szuverenitásnak fontos következményei lehetnek a vajdasági magyarok számára is. Bár kiemelt demográfiai különbségek vannak Vajdaság és Koszovó között és az északi tartomány teljes függetlensége aligha kerülhet szóba, mégis fennáll az a veszély, hogy Koszovó leszakadása a szerbiai politikai diszkurzus radikálizálodásához vezet és, hogy felkerekednek a szélsőjobboldali, nacionalista erők Szerbiában. As was expected, much of the media attention around Kosovo’s declaration of independence from Serbia has focused on […]
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4:25 du.
Hungarian Abstract/Magyar Kivonat: Borsai Csaba, a budapesti Regnum Marianum iskola földrajz és biológia tanára ezer kilométeres kanadai biciklitúrára viszi diákjait. A diákok megismerkedhetnek Québec és Ontario tartományokkal, valamint az ott élő magyar közösségekkel is találkoznak. Csaba Borsai, a secondary school teacher at Regnum Marianum High School in Budapest, is set to take his students on a 1000km long bike tour of central Canada this summer. Entitled „A Bridge between the Danube and the Saint Lawrence,” the Catholic school’s tour is not only aimed at introducing these students to the Canadian landscape, but also serves as a type of protest against […]
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2008 február 9 11:26 de.
Hungarian Abstract/Magyar kivonat: Tom Lantos, amerikai kongresszusi képviselő bejelentette, hogy az év végén visszavonul az aktív politikából 27 éves karrierje után. A 80 éves magyar származású demokrata párti képviselő haladó politikát folytatott a társadalmi kérdésekben. Támogatta az azonosnemű házasságot, a kisebbségi jogokat, a marihuana legalizációját és az abortuszt. Lantos a napokban jelentette be, hogy nem indul a novemberi választáson, mivel orvosai nyelőcsőrákot fedeztek fel nála. Tom Lantos, the Hungarian-born veteran US congressman, has announced that he will not seek re-election later this year, following 27 years in office, after having been diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus. The Democratic member of the House of Representatives […]
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2007 november 28 9:00 de.
A new website about Hungarian-Canadians went live in June. The site, www.hungarianpresence.ca, features the richness and diversity of Canadian culture by showcasing Hungarian-Canadian artistic and intellectual contributions, both past and present. The first phase of the website displays work by and about a number of notable artists, musicians, writers, scientists, business people and athletes who came to Canada or who are second generation Hungarian Canadians. „From theatre and the arts to business and to sport, Hungarian-Canadians have had a visible impact on Canadian society,” remarks Judy Young-Drache, President of the Canada-Hungary Educational Foundation. „Now we can use an interactive medium, […]
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2007 november 15 10:24 de.
A few days ago, the Galerie d’Arts Contemporains presented an exhibition of Andrea Blanar’s latest work at 2140 Crescent street in Montreal.The exhibition is on from 18th of October to 31st of October. The gallery is situated near the unofficial hub of “latest trends“ in Art. It is a short walking distance from the Museum of Fine Arts. Descending a few steps from the street, entering the gallery, one enters another world of the mysterious silence of New Brunswick marshes. The paintings are mostly landscapes. The themes of the artworks are landscapes enriched by a suggestion of magic are the […]
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2007 október 20 8:33 de.
Montreal Mayor Gérard Tremblay responded to the Canadian Hungarian Artist Collective’s (CHAC) request to hold a major event that celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution, as Hungarians had come here in large numbers. CHAC was asked to organize an exhibit at City Hall that would tell the story of Hungarians and Hungarian associations in Montreal. I concluded that this was a project that went beyond the mandate of CHAC. Thus, not wishing to lose this great offer to honour Hungarians, I spearheaded the creation of „MHHS” by gathering together many leaders in Montreal, to create the “Montreal Hungarian Historical Society” under […]
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